
Potential bug when using wildcard in API filter functionality

jonalm opened this issue · 1 comments

I run into an error in the code generated by OpenAPI.jl. The API I'm trying to use accepts a "returning" input string (https://docs.benchling.com/docs/getting-started-1#returning-query-parameter) which is a comma separated list of (potentially nested) return values (e.g. "a.b.c"), which can be used to limit the returning payload. This keyword accepts a wildcard to return all values at that level, but when I use the wildcard I get an error.

I don't know where to start debugging this as the code is autogenerated by OpenAPI. Moreover, the API needs authentication so it is hard to cook up a reproducible example.

Here is the auto generated code https://github.com/jonalm/BenchlingRestApi.jl

And this line https://github.com/jonalm/BenchlingRestApi.jl/blob/0294435467c1d57124d2d85956d383839fc3dd21/codegen/src/models/model_WellOrInaccessibleResource.jl#L17 errors:

ERROR: KeyError: key "resourceType" not found

The following code triggers the error

api_return, http_resp = get_plate(
    returning="wells.*.webURL" # should limit the payload
ERROR: KeyError: key "resourceType" not found
  [1] getindex
    @ ./dict.jl:498 [inlined]
  [2] property_type(::Type{BioMe.Benchling.RestApi.WellOrInaccessibleResource}, name::Symbol, json::Dict{String, Any})
    @ BioMe.Benchling.RestApi ~/dev/BioMe.jl/src/Benchling/RestApi/src/models/model_WellOrInaccessibleResource.jl:17
  [3] from_json(o::BioMe.Benchling.RestApi.WellOrInaccessibleResource, name::Symbol, json::Dict{String, Any})
    @ OpenAPI ~/.julia/packages/OpenAPI/p5UeR/src/json.jl:64
  [4] from_json
    @ OpenAPI ~/.julia/packages/OpenAPI/p5UeR/src/json.jl:46 [inlined]
  [5] from_json
    @ OpenAPI ~/.julia/packages/OpenAPI/p5UeR/src/json.jl:40 [inlined]
  [6] convert
    @ ~/.julia/packages/OpenAPI/p5UeR/src/client.jl:712 [inlined]
  [7] setindex!(h::Dict{String, BioMe.Benchling.RestApi.WellOrInaccessibleResource}, v0::Dict{String, Any}, key::String)
    @ Base ./dict.jl:376
  [8] Dict{String, BioMe.Benchling.RestApi.WellOrInaccessibleResource}(kv::Dict{String, Any})
    @ Base ./dict.jl:84
  [9] convert
    @ Base ./abstractdict.jl:568 [inlined]
 [10] from_json
    @ OpenAPI ~/.julia/packages/OpenAPI/p5UeR/src/json.jl:41 [inlined]
 [11] from_json(::Type{Union{Nothing, Dict{…}}}, json::Dict{String, Any})
    @ OpenAPI ~/.julia/packages/OpenAPI/p5UeR/src/json.jl:39
 [12] from_json(o::BioMe.Benchling.RestApi.Plate, name::Symbol, json::Dict{String, Any})
    @ OpenAPI ~/.julia/packages/OpenAPI/p5UeR/src/json.jl:65
 [13] from_json(o::BioMe.Benchling.RestApi.Plate, json::Dict{String, Any})
    @ OpenAPI ~/.julia/packages/OpenAPI/p5UeR/src/json.jl:58
 [14] from_json(o::T, json::Dict{String, Any}) where T<:OpenAPI.APIModel
    @ OpenAPI ~/.julia/packages/OpenAPI/p5UeR/src/json.jl:40 [inlined]
 [15] response
    @ ~/.julia/packages/OpenAPI/p5UeR/src/client.jl:422 [inlined]
 [16] response(::Type{BioMe.Benchling.RestApi.Plate}, is_json::Bool, body::Vector{UInt8})
    @ OpenAPI.Clients ~/.julia/packages/OpenAPI/p5UeR/src/client.jl:411
 [17] response(::Type{BioMe.Benchling.RestApi.Plate}, resp::Downloads.Response, body::Vector{UInt8})
    @ OpenAPI.Clients ~/.julia/packages/OpenAPI/p5UeR/src/client.jl:406
 [18] exec(ctx::OpenAPI.Clients.Ctx, stream_to::Nothing)
    @ OpenAPI.Clients ~/.julia/packages/OpenAPI/p5UeR/src/client.jl:628
 [19] exec
    @ OpenAPI.Clients ~/.julia/packages/OpenAPI/p5UeR/src/client.jl:608 [inlined]
 [20] #get_plate#1549
    @ BioMe.Benchling.RestApi ~/dev/BioMe.jl/src/Benchling/RestApi/src/apis/api_PlatesApi.jl:143 [inlined]
 [21] top-level scope
    @ ~/dev/BioMe.jl/scratch/scratch3.jl:77
Some type information was truncated. Use `show(err)` to see complete types.

Looks like the client received a response that should have contained an instalce of WellOrInaccessibleResource. That is actually defined to be a type that is oneOf Well or InaccessibleResource. It is specified that whether what was received is a Well or a InaccessibleResource is to be determined by the value of resourceType. But looks like the resourceType key was not found in the JSON that was received.

So the error could be because of the server not responding with the correct data. The first step to debug would be to see what the server responded with. One way to do that may be setting the verbose kwarg while creating the client.