
Fix deprecated usage of functions in feacalc

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Right now feacalc throws an error, which I traced to

  • 2 instances of sum omitting the dims keyword argument
  • one is in sad, the other is basically a copy of it, maybe sad can be called instead?
  • Plus the log10 looks like it is supposed to be broadcasted
  • Float64 should replace float64
  • Indexing in sad looks old and doesn't work now but I still get BoundsErrors even after updating that.
  • The readall in soxread should also be changed, and maybe also use an open do block?

Yes it looks like this code hasn't been used in many versions of Julia, incl version 1.

Since you already put some effort in this, any chance you can fix this and submit a PR?

I've submitted one, can you review?

Yes, thanks!