
Order of columns returned alphabetically, which does not match query SELECT order

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Howdy, I was trying out Clickhouse before potentially adding it as a backend for a tidierdb.jl, and I noticed that the order of columns in the df does not match the select statement. Is this something specifc to clickhouse // is there a way around this? It returns the alphabetically..

Thank you

query = """
SELECT model, hp, mpg FROM mtcars2
32×3 DataFrame
 Row │ hp     model               mpg     
     │ Int32  String              Float64 
   1 │   150  AMC Javelin            15.2
   2 │   205  Cadillac Fleetwood     10.4
   3 │   245  Camaro Z28             13.3
   4 │   230  Chrysler Imperial      14.7
   5 │    93  Datsun 710             22.8
  ⋮  │   ⋮            ⋮              ⋮
  28 │    91  Porsche 914-2          26.0
  29 │    65  Toyota Corolla         33.9
  30 │    97  Toyota Corona          21.5
  31 │   105  Valiant                18.1
  32 │   109  Volvo 142E             21.4

I figured out a way around this for TidierDB.jl, so I've added it as a backend and it's great thx.

I'll leave this open and it's up to you all if u want to close it or not. I'm fine either way.