
const not defined.

FinPl opened this issue · 5 comments

FinPl commented

Hello, it seems like the commit 2d61d2 introduces a bug.
In fact the const SQL_STILL_EXECUTING as been removed from the const definitions and therefore isn't recognised as a return value.

@pankgeorg, would you mind taking a look?

Hey @FinPl ! This constant was defined twice in the file; I thought that was a mistake, that was why I removed it.


Can you share some minimal example where this breaks?

Thank you!

FinPl commented

Ok, my bad, I thought that was the cause of the issue. I'll try to narrow it down.

Ok, my bad, I thought that was the cause of the issue. I'll try to narrow it down.

If it works on 1.1.1 and not on 1.1.2 it's probably something I did so I really want to help out.
Note that 1.1.2 will now throw on runtime errors like DivisionByZero error; the behaviour before was different - you got back the results up to the error.

Anything you can share is valuable!


FinPl commented

Hello, the problem has nothing to do with the last commit, I am very sorry for that.

It has something to do with the SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT set when begining a transaction().
It looks like results may vary depending on the way the functions are precompiled.
Everything works if we call API.setcommitmode(conn.dbc, true) on line 110 of load.jl
Do you have any recommendations ?

Here is a way to reproduce the error:

using ODBC, DataFrames
path = "yourPath.accdb"
conn = ODBC.Connection("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=" * path)
df = DataFrame(ABC=[1.,2.,3.])
ODBC.load(df,conn, "errorsRightAway")

ERROR: HY011: [Microsoft][Pilote ODBC Microsoft Access]Définition de l'attribut impossible à ce stage
[1] error(s::String)
@ Base .\error.jl:35
[2] setcommitmode(dbc::ODBC.API.Handle, on::Bool)
@ ODBC.API C:\Users\genc01.julia\packages\ODBC\9VZTC\src\API.jl:111
[3] transaction(f::ODBC.var"#46#47"{Bool, Int64, ODBC.Connection}, conn::ODBC.Connection)
@ ODBC C:\Users\genc01.julia\packages\ODBC\9VZTC\src\load.jl:110
[4] load(itr::DataFrame, conn::ODBC.Connection, name::String; append::Bool, quoteidentifiers::Bool, debug::Bool, limit::Int64, kw::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}})
@ ODBC C:\Users\genc01.julia\packages\ODBC\9VZTC\src\load.jl:96
[5] load(itr::DataFrame, conn::ODBC.Connection, name::String)
@ ODBC C:\Users\genc01.julia\packages\ODBC\9VZTC\src\load.jl:74
[6] top-level scope
@ c:\Users\genc01\Documents\Github_repos\SCT_MDL\Admin\Modelisation\src\testODBC.jl:276