
Julia Install Fail - Help Please

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Here is what Juno is telling me on the first run:

PowerShell version < 3 encountered. Running without wrapper (interrupts won't work).
INFO: Precompiling module Atom.
ERROR: LoadError: error compiling init: could not load library "C:\Users\tmidkiff.julia\v0.5\Gallium\src\Hooking\hooking"
%1 is not a valid Win32 application.

in include_from_node1 at .\loading.jl:488
in eval at .\boot.jl:234
in process_options at .\client.jl:239
in _start at .\client.jl:318
while loading C:\Users\tmidkiff.julia\v0.5\Gallium\src\Gallium.jl, in expression starting on line 975
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: LoadError: Failed to precompile Gallium to C:\Users\tmidkiff.julia\lib\v0.5\Gallium.ji.
in compilecache at .\loading.jl:593
in require at .\loading.jl:393
in include_from_node1 at .\loading.jl:488 (repeats 3 times)
in eval at .\boot.jl:234
in process_options at .\client.jl:239
in _start at .\client.jl:318
while loading C:\Users\tmidkiff.julia\v0.5\Atom\src\debugger\stepper.jl, in expression starting on line 111
while loading C:\Users\tmidkiff.julia\v0.5\Atom\src\debugger/debugger.jl, in expression starting on line 5
while loading C:\Users\tmidkiff.julia\v0.5\Atom\src\Atom.jl, in expression starting on line 17
ERROR: LoadError: Failed to precompile Atom to C:\Users\tmidkiff.julia\lib\v0.5\Atom.ji.
in compilecache(::String) at .\loading.jl:593
in require(::Symbol) at .\loading.jl:422
in include_from_node1(::String) at .\loading.jl:488
in process_options(::Base.JLOptions) at .\client.jl:262
in _start() at .\client.jl:318
while loading C:\Users\tmidkiff.atom\packages\julia-client\script\boot.jl, in expression starting on line 29
Julia has stopped: 1

I have read through the other topics and tried the suggestions I saw:

julia> Pkg.update()
INFO: Updating METADATA...
INFO: Computing changes...
INFO: No packages to install, update or remove

julia> using Atom
INFO: Precompiling module Atom.
ERROR: LoadError: error compiling init: could not load library "C:\Users\tmi
%1 is not a valid Win32 application.

in include_from_node1 at .\loading.jl:488
in eval at .\boot.jl:234
in process_options at .\client.jl:239
in _start at .\client.jl:318
while loading C:\Users\tmidkiff.julia\v0.5\Gallium\src\Gallium.jl, in expressio
n starting on line 975
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: LoadError: Failed to precompile Gallium to C:\Users
in compilecache at .\loading.jl:593
in require at .\loading.jl:393
in include_from_node1 at .\loading.jl:488 (repeats 3 times)
in eval at .\boot.jl:234
in process_options at .\client.jl:239
in _start at .\client.jl:318
while loading C:\Users\tmidkiff.julia\v0.5\Atom\src\debugger\stepper.jl, in exp
ression starting on line 111
while loading C:\Users\tmidkiff.julia\v0.5\Atom\src\debugger/debugger.jl, in ex
pression starting on line 5
while loading C:\Users\tmidkiff.julia\v0.5\Atom\src\Atom.jl, in expression star
ting on line 17
ERROR: Failed to precompile Atom to C:\Users\tmidkiff.julia\lib\v0.5\Atom.ji.
in compilecache at .\loading.jl:593
in require at .\loading.jl:422

julia> using Gallium
INFO: Precompiling module Gallium.
ERROR: LoadError: error compiling init: could not load library "C:\Users\tmi
%1 is not a valid Win32 application.

in include_from_node1 at .\loading.jl:488
in eval at .\boot.jl:234
in process_options at .\client.jl:239
in _start at .\client.jl:318
while loading C:\Users\tmidkiff.julia\v0.5\Gallium\src\Gallium.jl, in expressio
n starting on line 975
ERROR: Failed to precompile Gallium to C:\Users\tmidkiff.julia\lib\v0.5\Gallium
in compilecache at .\loading.jl:593
in require at .\loading.jl:422

This is julia v 0.5 on Windows 7 and atom v 1.10.2

Thank you for your help

FYI, I have deleted Gallium, removed the cache, added Gallium, ran Pkg.update() and am still getting the same error about Gallium.

Keno commented

Do you happen to be using 32bit windows?

No, I am using 64 bit windows.

Keno commented

How about the julia executable? Did you download the 32bit version? Can you post julia> versioninfo()?

I just did a fresh install of everything and it is working great! I might have have the 32 bit originally.

Thank you for the help.