
need support for Interactive Trajectory Evolution in unpredefined systems

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My idea is to apply my system in GUI so that I can see the dynamical evolutions.
Here is the example:

using InteractiveDynamics
using DynamicalSystems, GLMakie
using OrdinaryDiffEq

diffeq = (alg = Tsit5(), adaptive = false, dt = 0.001)
ps = Dict(
    1 => 1:0.1:30,
    2 => 10:0.1:50,
    3 => 1:0.01:10.0,
    4 => 1:0.01:10.0,

lims = (
    (-30, 30),
    (-30, 30),
    (0, 100),

function chaotictest(u, p, t)
    k1, k2, k3, a = p
    x, y, z = u
    dx = -k1*(x-y)-k2*y*z
    dy = k3*x-y-x*z
    dz = -z+x*y+a*sin(0.01*t)
    return SVector(dx, dy, dz)
u1 = [10,20,40.0]
u2 = [10,0,0]
u3 = [20,10,40.0]
u0s = [u1, u2, u3]

But I dont know when it comes to the parameter diction and the initial values set ,

u1 = [10,20,40.0]
u2 = [10,0,0]
u3 = [20,10,40.0]
u0s = [u1, u2, u3]

p = ps[]

and how to define the system:

ds = ContinuousDynamicalSystem(chaotictest, u0s, p)

I really need your help! I can't find any examples in the guide book as well as your published book, since all the examples are about the predefined systems .

Hoping for your kindness reply!

I am not sure I understand what the problem is. You can make a ContinuousDynamicalSystem as described here: https://juliadynamics.github.io/DynamicalSystems.jl/dev/ds/general/ and then pass it to interactive_evolution. Nothing about "Interactve Trajectory Evolution" is only about predefined systems!

You already have the system, so just call interactive_evolution(ds, u0s)