
LaTeXtoUnicode missing double guillemets « and »

SeSodesa opened this issue · 4 comments

As the title says, the double guillemet symbols « and » are missing from the possible set of LaTeX to Unicode tab expansions, even though they exist in the UnicodeData.txt database. The single guillemets and are available via the commands \guilsingleft and \guilsingright, so a suitable pair of commands for the double guillemets might be added as \guildoubleft and \guildoubright, or just \guildleft and \guildright, if brevity is to be preferred.

These symbols are indeed present in UnicodeData.txt but not in the REPL completions, as you can see here: https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/ecca2c5a2f0719a306c44628736c8f6c8ac6453f/stdlib/REPL/src/latex_symbols.jl.
You may want to open an issue in the julia repo with this proposal. Looking e.g. at JuliaLang/julia#38860 it should be simple to do a pull request too if there's interest.

I made a related pull request (link) towards the Julia repo, and it is set to be merged at some point. Once that happens, julia-vim might be updated as well.

The required pull request was merged to master.

Updated, thank you.