
GL dependencies kill CI capacity

Opened this issue · 2 comments

This thread proposes running

- run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y xorg-dev mesa-utils xvfb libgl1 freeglut3-dev libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev libxi-dev libxext-dev

In github actions. This is a very expensive operation (updates the host system and installs 10 extra dependencies). We are a poor research organisation working on a sensitive private project; so we only have access to 2000 minutes of github actions. We are struggling with our 2000 minute limit already. Does anyone know of a lightweight workaround?

You can try to leave things out and see if it still works... I'd need to do the same, since I don't know those dependencies really well.
I think xvfb, xorg-dev are the main libraries needed, so I would start from there.
If you find a more lightweight alternative, please let us know!

I guess this will be more manageable in 1.9, e.g. by putting functions calling GLMakie in /ext