
Missing public/exported docstrings

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Found using Docs.undocumented_names from 1.11.
They should also be added to the documentation when a docstring is created.


  • Metal
  • is_managed
  • is_private
  • is_shared
  • device
  • MtlMatrix
  • MtlVecOrMat
  • MtlVector
  • MetalBackend
  • MtlDeviceMatrix
  • MtlDeviceVector
  • MTL
  • MPS



  • Managed
  • Private
  • Shared
  • CPUStorage


  • air_support
  • air_version
  • is_m1
  • is_m2
  • is_m3
  • macos_version
  • metal_support
  • metal_version
  • metallib_support
  • darwin_version
  • supports_family
  • add_functions!
  • append_current_function!
  • commit!
  • dispatchThreadgroups!
  • endEncoding!
  • set_buffer!
  • set_function!
  • supports_destination
  • MTLBinaryArchive
  • MTLBinaryArchiveDescriptor
  • MTLBuffer
  • MTLCompileOptions
  • MTLComputeCommandEncoder
  • MTLComputePipelineDescriptor
  • MTLComputePipelineState
  • MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice
  • MTLEvent
  • MTLFence
  • MTLFunction
  • MTLFunctionDescriptor
  • MTLHeap
  • MTLHeapDescriptor
  • MTLLibrary
  • MTLLibraryFromData
  • MTLLibraryFromFile
  • MTLOrigin
  • MTLRegion
  • MTLSharedEvent
  • MTLSharedEventHandle
  • MTLSize
  • MTLTexture
  • MTLTextureDescriptor
  • MTLCommandBuffer
  • MTLCommandBufferDescriptor
  • MTLCommandQueue
  • ReadUsage
  • ReadWriteUsage
  • WriteUsage
  • MTLResource
  • MTLBlitCommandEncoder
  • append_copy!
  • append_fillbuffer!
  • append_sync!


  • @sv_str
  • SimpleVersion
  • AS

I guess we should first focus on documenting Metal, before moving to MTL/MPS which aren't likely to be imported or even used by users directly. For these modules, the documentation would likely be a copy of Apple's documentation anyway (which is similarly why many of these aren't thoroughly documented in CUDA.jl).

A couple should also be unexported: SimpleVersion/@sv_str definitely, and AS probably too.