
1-Dimensional Euclidean Space example doesn't work

troyrock opened this issue · 11 comments

From the documentation:

1-Dimensional Euclidean Space
When constructing a GP whose domain is the real-line, for example when using a GP to solve some kind of time-series problem, it is sufficient to work with Vector{<:Real}s of inputs. As such, the following is completely valid:

using Stheno: GPC
f = GP(EQ(), GPC())  
x = randn(10)

On the second line, I'm getting: > UndefVarError: EQ not defined.

Damn, that looks to be outdated. Where did you find this example?

This is an outdated documentation, it seems for the current release no stable documentation exists. I opened a PR that updates the Github actions: #188

Thanks @devmotion . Do you recall how we were able to get banners indicating outdated docs in other repos?

It should work automatically for builds created with Documenter >= 0.27, and for old versions one can use https://juliadocs.github.io/Documenter.jl/stable/lib/public/#DocumenterTools.OutdatedWarning.generate.

@willtebbutt could you please suggest a workaround or equivalent for the line f = GP(EQ(), GPC()) which throws the error UndefVarError: EQ not defined ?

Thanks :)

Hi @vikram-s-narayan -- could you point me towards where you've found this particular line of code? I thought I had got rid of all of the old examples!

@willtebbutt - these are some places where I found references to EQ() ...

I realise now that there are updated versions. However, these are the first few pages that showed up on Google search for me.

I stumbled on this issue because I am trying to fix some breaking code in Surrogates.jl

Also, do you have any pointers as to how I can update the following piece of code to play nicely with Stheno v0.8:

SthenoKriging(x::X, y::Y, GP::Stheno.GP=Stheno.GP(Stheno.EQ(), Stheno.GPC()), σ²=1e-18)
Returns a Kriging (or Gaussian process) surrogate conditioned on the data points `x` and `y`.
The `GP` is the base Gaussian process defined with Stheno.
# Arguments
- `x::X`: Vector containing the observation points
- `y::Y`: Vector containing the observed points
- `GP::Stheno.GP`: The base Gaussian process used to condition over. A simple prior is
provided as default. If there are multiple observation dimensions, a `Tuple` of Gaussian
processes can be passed, otherwise the same process is used across all dimensions.
- `σ²`=1e-18: Variance of the observation noise, default is equivalent to no noise

function SthenoKriging(x, y, gp::Stheno.AbstractGP=Stheno.GP(Stheno.EQ(), Stheno.GPC()), σ²=1e-18)
    gpc = gp.gpc
    gps = ntuple(i -> Stheno.GP(Stheno.EQ(), gpc), length(y[1]))

    return SthenoKriging(x, y, gps, σ²)

Any tips would be super helpful :)

The core of the change is that

gpc = GPC()
GP(EQ(), gpc)


gpc = GPC()
wrap(GP(SEKernel()), gpc)

in 0.8 (had to happen for a variety of reasons). Unpacking this:

  1. EQ -> SEKernel (Stheno uses KernelFunctions' kernels now),
  2. Stheno uses AbstractGPs' GP type, and wraps it to give it the tracking info needed.

Awesome! Thank you so much!

Np, thanks for reminding me that this wasn't fixed. I've utilised @devmotion 's suggestion above and modified the gh-pages branches to display outdated warnings on the docs, so I'm going to close this now. Please re-open if this turns out to still be a problem.