
documentation: on-hover breaks copy-paste and makes it hard to use

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello ColorSchemes.jl developers and enthusiasts:

I have been using this wonderful package for some time, but recently the documentation pages changed in a way that make it much harder for me to use.

My typical use case with this package is to use ColorSchemes.scheme_name.colors to generate a vector of colors which I pass to the colormap in my plotting library.

Previously, I would go to the catalogue web page, https://juliagraphics.github.io/ColorSchemes.jl/stable/catalogue/, where I would highlight the desired scheme_name and then copy-paste it into my code.

With the new documentation page, there is now an "on-hover" event that is triggered when I hover on the scheme_name, and this prevents me from copying the scheme_name from the web page. I am using the latest Firefox, and I haven't tried any other browsers.

This will add several steps to my typical workflow. I wonder if you could consider re-formatting the web page so that we can still copy and paste the scheme_name? Perhaps each of scheme names could be listed as plaintext, and then the hyperlink could be sitting in an icon next to it, ready to be revealed by on-hover? Or, maybe the on-hover could be triggered by the image of the color scheme, rather than by the text?

All the best,


Hi Ed!

I’ve been trying to improve the search (so that we could search descriptions and notes), (see JuliaDocs/Documenter.jl#2584) and also browsing, hence the hover. I’ll try to improve it if I can, I hadn’t considered your work flow. And I don’t know much about Documenter and HTML.

Thanks for the input.

-- thank you for looking into this. Yes, the formatting seems to be controlled entirely by that stanza marked on the link you sent.

I made a small change to enable copying.