Paul Tols colormaps
kellertuer opened this issue · 3 comments
I am currently checking my favourite colours and maps in Julia; I saw that from here
a lot of colormaps are covered since they are from colorbrewer, though he states that some are “tweaked”. Also he has a discrete rainbow and a sunset as well as the ground colormap. Would it be of interest to add them here, too or are they maybe already covered?
Three of Paul Tol's color-vision-deficient schemes are already included, but if there are any others that would be a useful addition - and different enough to existing ones - I could add them easily enough.
(I don't know what would be a sensible limit to how many colorschemes could be included here. Probably room for a few more, certainly! :)
I will carefully check, I think the last one on his page, the ground colormap, might not yet be included. If so, I'll do a PR.
Cool, thanks!