
Will this project work with QT 6.5?

ufechner7 opened this issue · 4 comments

In the file build_tarballs.jl the following dependencies are defined:
Dependency("Qt6Base_jll"; compat="6.4.2"),
Dependency("Qt6ShaderTools_jll", compat="6.4.2"),
Dependency("Qt6Declarative_jll", compat="6.4.2"),
Dependency("Qt6Svg_jll", compat="6.4.2"),

But in the Project.toml file of QML.jl a dependency on QT 6.5 is defined:
Qt65Compat_jll = "f5784262-74e5-52be-b835-f3e8a3cf8710"

This looks like a contradiction to me, but perhaps I miss something?

barche commented

Yes, it already uses Qt6.5, since the build_tarballs.jl that is used on release is in Yggdrasil: https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/Yggdrasil/blob/b95d2aeed3674f1790cbbb0c301406e4aa925e98/J/jlqml/build_tarballs.jl

So should build_tarballs.jl be removed here?

barche commented

No, it should be updated at some point, but the way JLLs are built in CI now is not ideal anyway, so it's not urgent.

barche commented

The JLL build script will move to QML.jl, so this issue is no longer relevant.