
Suppress warnings only

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I would like to suppress only warnings, not errors.
Is this possible?

(And hi, by the way!)

Dear @dpsanders,

Sorry for the late response, suppressing and capturing only warnings is the default! See this example:

julia> @suppress begin
           println("This string doesn't get printed!")
           warn("This warning is ignored.")
           error("Remember that errors are still printed!")
ErrorException                                          Stacktrace (most recent call last)
[#2] — anonymous
       ⌙ at <missing>:?

[#1] — macro expansion;
       ⌙ at Suppressor.jl:16 [inlined]

Remember that errors are still printed!

(Hello to you too by the way, wish we can meet each other again soon, cheers!)

Ah, thanks!

I was looking to suppress function redefinition warnings and was unable to get it to work using this macro, but thanks anyway.