
Reading cropped frames

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Is it possible to read crops of frames from disk, say frame[1:100,300:500]? We have these large images that we would like to read as efficiently as possible. Only a specific area is relevant for the calculations, and so reading the full frame to discard tons of pixels isn't very nice.

It's a little out of scope of this package, but if they're TIFFs you can via mmaping

May be possible for other image formats too

Or by images do you mean frames from a video file?

I mean frames from a video file. Currently I don't know how to read just portions of a frame. I am reading whole frames and discarding most pixels.

I don't think this is supported in VideoIO. It might be possible but would require looking into whether av_image_copy_to_buffer or an equivalent can be set to target a crop region (into an appropriate buffer size)

I also face the same issue; I want to crop my video in time too.
I have stocked the desired images and saved them on the computer. However, making a video of those images is not encoded correctly, and certain portions must be cut. I don't know why.
I am using the following code:
imgnames = filter(x->occursin("jpg", x), readdir()) # Populate list of all images and sort them based on first numerics
intstrings = map(x->split(x,".")[1],imgnames) # Extract index from filenames
p = sortperm(parse.(Int,intstrings)) #sort files numerically
imgstack = []
for imgname in imgnames[p]

encoder_options = (crf=15, preset="fast")
VideoIO.save("video.mp4", imgstack, framerate=25, encoder_options=encoder_options)