padarray inconsistent behavior for n=1 axes
andrew-saydjari opened this issue · 5 comments
I found the following surprising.
n = 0
x = rand(50,100);
xr = repeat(x,outer=[1 1 n])
pxr = ImageFiltering.padarray(xr,ImageFiltering.Pad(:reflect,(5,5,0)));
For n!=1 this succeeds and pads the repeated matrix which is of dimension (50,100,n) to be (60,110,n). For n=1, this fails with the following error message.
"DimensionMismatch: supplied axes do not agree with the size of the array (got size (1,) for the array and (0,) for the indices"
Maybe there is something I am not understanding, but I would have expected the n=1 case to behave similarly.
A similar problem just came up in another code base in a fairly different application. The handling of zero padding on singleton dimensions seems require (sometimes difficult) special handling, especially if you need shape stability.
The following seems to be a fix. Not sure why .=
has different behavior than copy!()
. Does someone who understands the code base here better know why that is different and if the change to .=
below would be acceptable/worth a PR?
using ImageFiltering: AbstractBorder
padarray_fix(img::AbstractArray, border::AbstractBorder) = padarray_fix(eltype(img), img, border)
function padarray_fix(::Type{T}, img::AbstractArray, border) where {T}
ba = BorderArray(img, border)
out = similar(ba, T, axes(ba))
out .= ba
If you could write out a few simple test cases, that would be great.
Ok, will do. I just wasn't sure if there was intended behavioral differences between copy! and .=, happy to try to do a few test cases in few days.
I'm not sure if I fully understand the issue yet either, but the test cases would help confirm that we have a fix is in place and it stays fixed.