
Multiple returns

Opened this issue · 4 comments

In a Mathematica notebook, every line that doesn't end with ; will be displayed/ returned.
This is handled differently in MathLink where only one return value is possible.

       a = 1;
       b = 2
       c = 3
       ``` |> weval
┌ Warning: Set::write: Tag Times in 2 c is Protected.
└ @ MathLink ~/.julia/packages/MathLink/6K9ao/src/eval.jl:16

I would expect to get the tuple (2, 3) back.

It isn't being parsed correctly:

julia> ex = W```
           a = 1;
           b = 2
           c = 3
W"CompoundExpression"(W"Set"(W"a", 1), W"Set"(W"b", W"Set"(W"Times"(2, W"c"), 3)))

i.e. it is being parsed as a = 1; (b = ((2*c) = 3)). I'm not sure why it would be different.

I'm not sure why it would be different.

I don't understand. What would be different?

Why it parses differently in Mathematica notebooks than via calling ToExpression

a = 1;
b = 2
c = 3

is not an expression. But

a = 1;
b = 2
c = 3
