n-th prime is too slow. Consider using primecount as a backend
galanakis opened this issue · 21 comments
The n-th prime function of julia is actually really slow.
For example in julia prime(10^7) runs in 14 seconds in my machine.
There is a well known C++ library with a 2-clause BSD license called primecount which can calculate
the prime(10^14) in 2 seconds (of course prime(10^7) is instantaneous.
Mathematica's Prime function is comparable to primecount (it is actually 2 times slower).
So given that, why not use primecount as a backend for the n-th prime function?
I could help with a patch if something like this sounds interesting.
It would be much better (in my opinion) to get a fastish Julia implementation. The current implementation is a loop that calls nextprime
, which is very bad. The decent simple implementation would be a segmented prime sieve that counts up as it finishes the segment. This should be relatively simple to implement and fast.
Thanks for the response. I am interested in implementing the Meissel-Lehmer algorithm. It will take months of part-time work.
Is anyone else working on an implementation of prime-count?
#102 is my 1 hour effort. It computes prime(10^7)
in .14
seconds which isn't optimal, but is a lot better.
Yes, it is certainly much better. However primecount is instantaneous even at 10e14, which is really impressive. I am wondering if there is interest in an implementation of the Messel - Lehmer method.
Is having best of class algorithms in the scope of this project?
I'd consider it in scope (although finding a reviewer with sufficient knowledge to approve it might be hard). Also, it seems a little premature to me given that we don't even have a segmented prime sieve yet (or efficient primality checking).
It is true that the algorithm needs a segmented sieve and it is a priority. I could work on that.
Is there a specification or a potential interface for a segmented sieve? Also, it seems that the author of the following project
is considering to push it to Primes.jl but is currently lacking an interface.
In general what would be the plan for a segmented prime sieve?
@haampie would it be reasonable to make Primes.jl
depend of FastPrimeSieve
If I might, could I ask again what would be the objection in implementing an API to the primecount library? It is very actively maintained (>4000 commits in 5 days) and it is faster than mathematica it self. What are the chances that a good implementation in pure julia will be within an order of magnitude from this?
Honestly, I think it is probably too big of a dependency, but if you want to use this in Julia, https://github.com/JuliaBinaryWrappers/primecount_jll.jl already exists as a wrapper library. I don't think there is any technical reason why a Julia version would be slower, although it would require a significant amount of effort. One potentially interesting approach would be to use would be a GPU based segmented sieve (eg https://github.com/curtisseizert/CUDASieve).
#87 notice this PR, but I did not add many tests :( so that's probably why it was not merged
I'm also afraid that the code is too hard to follow, so that if there's ever an issue with it, I'm the one to fix it, but I may not have the time for it
I think it's possible to hit a better point on the speed/complexity graph. I'll take a shot at simplifying this.
The segmented sieve + wheel concept is very nice though :) also the hand macro based unrolled sieving loop. I vaguely remember though that codegen is not optimal compared to primesieve's inner loop (something where LLVM can't be forced to generate a jump table). May have to revisit now that Julia uses LLVM 12
Do you have a copy of the non macro based version? IMO, that would already be a major simplification.
If you replace the first line with function segmented_sieve(limit::Int64, L1D_CACHE_SIZE=128*1024)
it's 70x faster. Your version has L1D_CACHE_SIZE
as a non-const global variable.
With that change, I'm seeing this code as 5-10x slower than FastPrimeSieve
which is pretty good given that this can be significantly optimized.
I deleted my previous post, because I found a mistake (L1D_CACHE_SIZE must be an argument, not a global)
I translated into julia a C++ code from primesieve.org for a simple segmented prime sieve
The translation is not very thorough, but the results are encouraging. It is 70% slower than the C++ version. I am wondering if this can be optimized to reach the speed of the C++ version.
I guess the argument is, does it make sense to implement something complex from scratch only to find out that julia gives you a 70% penalty?
function segmented_sieve(limit::Int64, L1D_CACHE_SIZE = 128*1024)
sqrt = isqrt(limit)
segment_size = max(sqrt, L1D_CACHE_SIZE)
count = (limit < 2) ? 0 : 1;
i = 3
n = 3
s = 3
sieve = zeros(Bool, L1D_CACHE_SIZE)
is_prime = ones(Bool, sqrt)
primes = Vector{Int64}()
multiples = Vector{Int64}()
for low in 0:segment_size:limit
fill!(sieve, true)
high = min(limit, low + segment_size - 1)
while i*i <= high
if is_prime[i]
is_prime[ i*i : i : sqrt ] .= false
i += 2
while s*s <= high
if is_prime[s]
push!(primes, s)
push!(multiples, s*s - low)
s += 2
for a in 1 : length(primes)
p = primes[a]
m = multiples[a]
j = m
k = 2*p
while j < segment_size
sieve[j] = false
j += k
multiples[a] = j - segment_size
while n <= high
if sieve[n - low]
count += 1
n += 2
println("Found ", count, " primes")
@inbounds for low in 0:segment_size:limit
makes this about 2x faster as a simple optimization.
It is true that it is a bit faster, but not 2 times. However, I got to 50% away from the C++ version, which is something good. I guess, if I can get with 10%, then it is a deal.
what number are you testing up to? I saw a reduction from 15 to 8 seconds for segmented_sieve(10^10)