
Usage Support: Adding DFTK.jl to Matsci Discourse Community

Closed this issue · 3 comments

@mfherbst I was wondering if the DFTK.jl team would be interested in requesting/starting a category on Matsci discourse for DFTK.jl? The goal would be to focus more on user support discussions.

Guidelines are given here, and the request form for a new project/category is here.

It could be that the category to be created is one-level up, meaning it is for JuliaMolSim org., if that makes more sense.

Dear Stefan
thanks for contacting us about this matter. While I very much like the idea to have to have such a general discourse board for discussion, but I think for us participating is still a bit too early. Our user base is still small and I think it's better to avoid fragmentation across too many portals when it comes to providing user support. So far we've been using github or the JuliaMolSim zulip chat, where traffic overall has been moderate.

I'll contact the JuliaMolSim people and see if there is some interest to get a category for all of us. In any case: If you see more traffic with DFTK-related questions or user requests to open a DFTK category, I'd certainly be happy to get involved.

Totally understand wanting to avoid fragmentation, I also forgot about the zulip chat. The reason I brought this up is I get questions from people I recently pointed to DFTK.jl and for inquiries where I don't know the answer I thought of pointing them to Matsci discourse, but I'll send them over to the zulip chat.

Great. Thanks.

I'll close this for now, but feel free to reopen if there are updates.