
Improve Octavian Benchmark Plot

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Figure 1


  1. Figure labels
  2. Reproducibility notes

For the record, plot is from https://github.com/JuliaLinearAlgebra/Octavian.jl/blob/ad7f0997f916437d06c2b44824a9ff82a24e9af2/README.md#benchmarks, where there is also the code to run the benchmark (but not the plot)

Was I supposed to be assigned to this (which would be fine)? Just asking because I didn't introduce the plot.

Was I supposed to be assigned to this (which would be fine)? Just asking because I didn't introduce the plot.

Yes, somebody volunteered you yesterday

I've rerun the benchmark on one of our Noctua 1 nodes. The resulting plot + code for reproducibility is in https://github.com/JuliaParallel/paper-2022-HPC/tree/main/BLAS-benchmark.