
PackageCompiler crashes

oschulz opened this issue · 6 comments

PackageCompiler now crashes when trying to compile a Julia system image that contains SolidStateDetectors and a simple precompile execution file like

using SolidStateDetectors

detector_config_filename = SSD_examples[:InvertedCoax]

# PackageCompiler crashes here:
simulation = Simulation{Float32}(detector_config_filename)

This used to work fine - not sure if this is due to changes in SolidStateDetectors, a change in one of it's depencencies, or Julia v1.4 -> v1.5.

Here's a Gist to reproduce the problem: https://gist.github.com/oschulz/2f2daab0f9ce56d3086d55ad6fa18c19

Run with

JULIA_LOAD_PATH="@:@stdlib" julia --project=. build_sysimage.jl

Tested with Julia v1.5.3 on Linux-x86_84 (both on bare-metal Ubuntu 20.04 and in a CentOS-7 container).

lmh91 commented

It crashes here:

inputunits = dunits::Dict{String, Unitful.Units} = Dict{String, Unitful.Units}(
    "length" => u"m", # change this to u"m" ? SI Units
    "potential" => u"V",
    "angle" => u"°",
    "temperature" => u"K"

I don't know why the first line looks like that...
However, changing it to

inputunits = Dict{String, Unitful.Units}(
    "length" => u"m", # change this to u"m" ? SI Units
    "potential" => u"V",
    "angle" => u"°",
    "temperature" => u"K"

does not solve the problem...

lmh91 commented

New MWE:

Add Uniful.jl to the project and change precompile_exec.jl to

using Unitful 
lmh91 commented

PackageCompiler does not like unit strings... (anymore)

Thanks, that narrows it down nicely! Just reported it: JuliaLang/julia#38719

lmh91 commented

So, it seems we have to wait for Julia v1.5.4 or v1.6.
I will close this.