
Geant4 support in SSD

fhagemann opened this issue · 1 comments

Things that are still needed for full Geant4 support in SSD:

Geometry parsing and GDML file creation

  • Geometry handling of Torus and RegularPrism
  • Correct handling of composite rotations
  • Definition of all compound materials defined in MaterialProperties.jl in the Geant4 materials.xml

Running Geant4 simulations

  • Implement some functions to place a radioactive source and to generate Geant4 events
  • IO for Geant4 simulation output in an SSD compatible format (DetectorHitEvents):
    see exact format here: https://github.com/JuliaPhysics/SolidStateDetectors.jl/blob/main/src/Units.jl#L102-L113
  • Check that the clustering algorithms in src/ChargeClustering perform well
  • Implement and test functions to generate and save pulse shapes from Geant4 output, maybe even without the need to save the intermediate DetectorHitEvents if not needed


  • Documentation on how to use the Geant4 extensions and docstrings for exported/extended functions
  • Tutorial for the documentation (small code example on how to use Geant4 and SSD)


  • Add tests for the new Geant4 functionality and GDML parsing