
:derived example failure

Closed this issue · 4 comments

This is the same as https://github.com/nergmada/eviscerator/blob/master/pddl/pddl22/domain-derived-predicates.pddl and https://github.com/nergmada/eviscerator/blob/master/pddl/pddl22/problem-derived-predicates.pddl

domain = @pddl("
    (domain simple)
    (:requirements :strips :derived-predicates)
        (object-is-ready ?a)
        (parta-task-complete ?a)
        (partb-task-complete ?a)
        (task-complete ?a)
    (:action action1
        :parameters (?obj)
        :precondition (and 
            (object-is-ready ?obj)
        :effect (and
            (parta-task-complete ?obj)
    (:action action2
        :parameters (?obj)
        :precondition (and 
            (object-is-ready ?obj)
        :effect (and
            (partb-task-complete ?obj)
        (task-complete ?obj) (and (parta-task-complete ?obj) (partb-task-complete ?obj))
  name: simple
  predicates: Dict{Symbol, PDDL.Signature} with 4 entries
    Symbol("object-is-ready")     => (object-is-ready ?a)
    Symbol("parta-task-complete") => (parta-task-complete ?a)
    Symbol("partb-task-complete") => (partb-task-complete ?a)
    Symbol("task-complete")       => (task-complete ?a)
  axioms: Dict{Symbol, Clause} with 1 entry
    Symbol("task-complete") => (:derived (task-complete ?obj) (and (parta-task-complete ?obj) (partb-task-complete ?obj)))
    :action1 => (action1 ?obj)
    :action2 => (action2 ?obj)
problem = @pddl("
    (problem simpleproblem)
    (:domain simple)
        (object-is-ready obj1)
    (:goal (and
        (task-complete obj1)
  name: simpleproblem
  objects: 1-element Vector{Const}
  init: 1-element Vector{Term}
    (object-is-ready obj1)
  goal: (and (task-complete obj1))
# Construct initial state from domain and problem
state = initstate(domain, problem)
  objects: 1 (untyped)
  fluents: 1 (boolean)
    (object-is-ready obj1) => true
# Construct goal specification that requires minimizing plan length
spec = MinStepsGoal(problem)
# Construct A* planner with h_add heuristic
planner = AStarPlanner(HAdd())
ForwardPlanner{Nothing}(HAdd(sum, precomputed=false), nothing, 1.0f0, 1.0f0, 9223372036854775807, Inf, false, false, false, nothing)
# Find a solution given the initial state and specification
sol = planner(domain, state, spec)
BoundsError: attempt to access 0-element Vector{Vector{Int64}} at index [1]

 [1] getindex
   @ ./essentials.jl:13 [inlined]
 [2] build_planning_graph(domain::GenericDomain, state::GenericState, goal::Compound; statics::Vector{Symbol}, relevants::Vector{Symbol})
   @ SymbolicPlanners ~/.julia/packages/SymbolicPlanners/IxEs3/src/heuristics/pgraph.jl:112
 [3] #build_planning_graph#63
   @ ~/.julia/packages/SymbolicPlanners/IxEs3/src/heuristics/pgraph.jl:26 [inlined]
 [4] build_planning_graph
   @ ~/.julia/packages/SymbolicPlanners/IxEs3/src/heuristics/pgraph.jl:23 [inlined]
 [5] precompute!(h::HAdd, domain::GenericDomain, state::GenericState, spec::MinStepsGoal)
   @ SymbolicPlanners ~/.julia/packages/SymbolicPlanners/IxEs3/src/heuristics/hsp.jl:79
 [6] solve(planner::ForwardPlanner{Nothing}, domain::GenericDomain, state::GenericState, spec::MinStepsGoal)
   @ SymbolicPlanners ~/.julia/packages/SymbolicPlanners/IxEs3/src/planners/forward.jl:167
 [7] (::ForwardPlanner{Nothing})(domain::GenericDomain, state::GenericState, spec::MinStepsGoal)
   @ SymbolicPlanners ~/.julia/packages/SymbolicPlanners/IxEs3/src/planners/planners.jl:18
 [8] top-level scope
   @ In[41]:1

Hi! This seems like an issue with the planning graph computation. But could you reformat the post above so that all the code is enclosed within codeboxes (i.e. triple backtick quotes?). Finding it difficult to parse / read with the current formatting. Thanks!

Thank you for the triple backtick quotes tip.

Looks like this error no longer occurs! I think it was fixed by commit fedb439.

I know you said it is fixed, but I reran my test and it worked. Good job.