
Combine linear maps in interval-matrix discretization

schillic opened this issue · 0 comments

Instead of taking the sum of three LinearMap instances all with the set U0, we can add up the matrices and take the LinearMap in the end. This is both more efficient and more precise (because we need to overapproximate only once).

= A * A
= IntervalMatrix(Diagonal(fill(IntervalMatrices.Interval(δ), size(A, 1))))
IδW =+ 1/2 * δ^2 * A + 1/6 * δ^3 *
linear_maps[1] = LinearMap(IδW, U0)
E = _expm_remainder(A, δ, order; n=n)
linear_maps[2] = LinearMap(E*δ, U0)
zero_interval = IntervalMatrices.Interval(zero(N), zero(N))
if order > 2
# i = 2
αᵢ₊₁ = 6 # factorial of (i+1)
Aⁱ =
δⁱ⁺¹ = δ^3
M_sum = IntervalMatrix(fill(zero_interval, size(A)))
@inbounds for i in 3:order
αᵢ₊₁ *= i+1
δⁱ⁺¹ *= δ
Aⁱ *= A
M_sum += (δⁱ⁺¹/αᵢ₊₁) * Aⁱ
linear_maps[3] = LinearMap(M_sum, U0)