
Overall roadmap

Opened this issue · 34 comments

This outlines a roadmap for basic statistical functionality that Julia needs to offer. It is heavily drawn from the table of contents for MASS.

This is a great list. Thanks for doing this, John.

From the perspective of my machine learning research, there are several major classes of things that remain needed:

  • Regularized regression: this include classical quadratic/L2-regularized linear/logistic/probit regression, LASSO, grouped LASSO, etc.

    Despite being around for decades, the research in this area is still very active. New optimization methods to solve such problems are developed each year. Recent focus gradually switches to large-scale problem and the use of randomized methods, such as SGD and parallel methods.

  • Bayesian nonparametric models: nonparametric mixtures (e.g. DPMM, Pitman-Yor process, HDP, etc), nonparametric feature extraction (IBP, HBP, etc), and Gaussian processes.

  • Deep learning: needless to say, this is one of the most heated area in ML these days.

  • Structured Learning & Prediction: Structured SVM, Conditional Random field, etc.

I wholeheartedly agree with all of those. What do you think of GLMNet for batch processing L1/L2 regularized regression? I'm inclined to suggest people use that as their canonical implementation unless they need to stream data (SGD) or work across machines.

I agree with using GLMNet as default implementation for ordinary use.

Regarding Postgres: I had planned a libpq wrapper for Julia but I cannot get Julia+Clang+Clang.jl working in any of my Julia environments (multiple compounding issues with segfaults, Pkg fetch issues, compilation failures, linkage failures, etc.). Once those issues clear up I can start on libpq.jl.

After writing a wrapper for MATLAB through MEX, I'm excited to do it in a language with real capabilities.

Maybe the list needs to include a safe way to use R packages inside Julia, like PyCall for Python.
We have actually Rif.jl, which needs some job.

+1 to glmnet

For "convex optimization" we have Ipopt.jl, but we don't have a convex optimization modelling language ala CVX yet. That should follow nicely on from the automatic diff stuff, which is the main blocker right now.

I think you should add Text Mining, with a link to you TextAnalysis.jl package. :-)

Maybe Generalized Nonlinear Models too, though that's probably only used in a small community. Cf. e.g. http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/gnm/index.html

Thanks for all the good suggestions everyone. I'm going to revise the list now. One thing it's missing is MCMC support.

A while ago I was wondering if it was worthwhile to have abstraction(s) for Stochastic processes similar to Distributions.jl which is an abstraction of a Distribution with means to sample from it.
I think it is likely not a good idea to try to cover discrete time processes, continuous time processes and random fields with a single datatype, but for each of those this would be reasonable. I had a very preliminary look in https://github.com/mschauer/StoPro.jl/blob/master/src/StoPro.jl how adapting the Distribution.jl approach feels for continuous time.

Unlike real-valued or vector-valued distributions, the samples of stochastic processes can exhibit a wide variety of forms. For example, a sample of a time series process is a sequence of values (whose length may or may not be fixed), a sample of a point process (e.g. Poisson process over arbitrary space) is a set of points, while a sample of a Gaussian process is a function. It is extremely difficult to subsume all these under the same umbrella.

I think it might be a better strategy to have multiple packages, each for a specific family of stochastic processes.

While I agree with Dahua, I do believe that we can hope that the stochastic process types support many of the same operations: rand, pdf, etc.

I was unsure about the right abstraction, exactly like you Dahua, John. I tend to group them according to the "time"/indexing variable. that might be too rough, but to get an idea, in the example I took two fairly different processes in continuous time (Poisson, Brownian motion) and looked, if there is any synergy effect: augment(P::VecProc, W :: GenVecProcPath, s) in the example takes either of those and augments retrospectively samples both processes on a finer grid. I agree that the functional view which is eminent for Gaussian processes is not easily incorporated.

@johnmyleswhite When the covariates are finite and discrete (e.g. time series), it is feasible to do rand or pdf. However, there do exist a lot of stochastic processes, where the covariates are continuous (or very large). In such cases, people never do rand or pdf -- it is simply impossible to represent even a single sample (e.g. Gaussian processes and Dirichlet process).

As you know, these stochastic processes are widely used in practice, but in a way that is very different from how people typically work with ordinary distributions.

That being said, I think it is possible to group many stochastic processes for time-series in the same module (as they share similar operations). I would imagine that we will eventually have a system of packages for different kinds of stochastic processes, e.g.

  • TimeSeriesProcesses
  • PointProcesses
  • GaussianProcesses
  • DirichletProcesses (actually there is a larger family of processes that are similar to DP, e.g. Pitman-Yor or normalized random measure, etc)

Aren't you too pessimistic? Especially for processes with Markov property and tractable transition distribution one has a meaningful concept of sampling the process and a need to describe families of those transition distributions in a consistent way.

@mschauer For processes with a time covariate, Markov property and transition distribution definitely make sense.

But there are still a lot of processes (in a general sense) that do not even have such notions. For example, a Gaussian processes over an N-D space, I don't think notions like Markov property & transition distribution would even apply.

For such processes, people typically do not want to draw an entire sample from them. Instead, they want to draw a finite part of a sample (the entire sample itself is infinite, and therefore it cannot be represented by a computer).

FWIW, the Gaussian process case is, in some respects, like my interest in a discriminative model type: you want a rand function, but the function needs to predicated on information: for something like regression, you need covariates, for a GP you need the grid of points over which you want a sample returned.

John, you are right that we still want to do sampling & likelihood evaluation in some way. Therefore, sampling and likelihood evaluation functions are still needed for most stochastic processes. However, the interface of such functions for different kinds of stochastic processes is probably very different.

What I suggest is that the development can be done in several packages (instead of one), e.g. one for Markov processes, one for GPs, and another for DPs. etc. Since the way we work with the stochastic processes that fall into these different categories are vastly different, I don't think it is necessary to set up a uniform interface on the outset.

If some common things that come up during the evolution of these packages that we think are useful across facilities, we can always refactor things at that point.

I think we're in complete agreement. Best to find patterns after code gets written than speculate a priori.

Oh, there is no fault in coordinating these kind of things. So I would like to keep in mind, that there are plenty of connections, so for example a Data type for discrete observations of continuous time processes will be of interest and it is good to have a place for coordination of those of us who interested, so thank you John.

I'd like to throw in RandomMatrices as well. It's self-contained, but better interop with statistics functionality would be useful and cut down on redundancy.

This is a great list. I think maintaining a well thought-out roadmap is really helpful for both current and potential contributors. Would it make sense to break at least some of these off into separate roadmaps, though? As is, each package seems to thin-featured---but this list is going to get unwieldy fast if you start adding features and details. It might also help congeal some more specialized working groups around package roadmaps. (E.g., I don't know what half the things under Bayesian Nonparametrics mean, but your listings under Time Series and Survival just make me sad :)).

I definitely think we should have separate issues that expand each subtree of this roadmap. I have a few other issues as well that I'll be posting, including a request for standardization of keyword arguments across the whole ecosystem (e.g. every function that has a max number of iterations should call that keyword maxiter).

That's cool work. I'm not sure I think we should prioritize it just yet, since it's not a conventional approach yet.

One thing to add to the list would be functional data analysis similar to the fda and fdasrvf packages in R. I am the author of the R package and would love to help port it over.

That would be great. I might wait until 0.4 is released so that you don't have to redo things to cope with the NA -> Nullable transition.

For the "Neural networks" section: I'm recently writing a neural network package for julia: Mocha (this name because it is deeply inspired by the very popular C++ deep learning framework caffe). Currently I already have a working CUDA backend with an example of a deep convolution network with the LeNet architecture on MNIST. I will try to submit to the package index once I finish the CPU backend and add proper documents.

@pluskid That's pretty cool.

I am actually considering just porting Caffe to Julia. Now my entire research group relies on Caffe to do things, and it is tempting to port it.

Is Mocha something new inspired by Caffe, or a port of Caffe itself. Does it support the Caffe model file format?

@lindahua Thanks! Mocha looks like Caffe (general architecture, layers, blobs, solvers, etc.) but they are not completely the same. For example, Mocha uses HDF5/JLD to store snapshot of model, while Caffe uses Google Protocol Buffer (I believe). So it is not directly compatible, but in principle one could write a tool to import caffe models as I just find out that we already have ProtoBuf.jl.

I'm not sure I understanding what you mean by "porting". Re-writing caffe in julia in a compatible way might be quite costly to keep up with the changes as caffe itself is being actively developed. Creating a julia binding for caffe might be more do-able. The benefits is that existing work on caffe could be easily adapted, but the interface might be less flexible and less julia.

I mean just a Julia binding to Caffe.

Are there any new developments concerning the topics of the roadmap? I would like to make a case for developing non - and semi-parametric regression models.

I don't think there's anyone right now who has time to manage this roadmap. I'm just working on nullable stuff for now since that still needs a lot of work.

Hi @johnmyleswhite. Do we have an approx time line on the new nullable datatable / df replacement?

No rush, just trying to figure out when/what logistics for a project. Thanks

@johnmyleswhite, this issue just came to my attention. Great high-level organization, thanks for doing this.

I put all my Julia time, effort and focus on Lora, because my own research is related to MCMC methodology to a great extent, plus because I am very excited about this topic (plus because I will be writing a book on Monte Carlo methods with Julia, including Lora as a sub-part of it).

This Lora effort has been going on for about 6 months in one of the Lora dev branches and is neatly organized via issues and milestones. My timeline goes quite well with regards to having the first draft of a major upgrade by December, even earlier perhaps.

As for the rest of great topics/packages you outlined, I don't have the bandwidth to get involved (Lora is usually taking up part of my sleep to find enough time for its development).