
Deprecated syntax `(;)` on Julia 1.4

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omus commented

We are getting some warnings from our expression tests:

┌ Warning: Deprecated syntax `(;)` at /Users/omus/.julia/dev/Mocking/test/expr.jl:486.
│ Use `begin end` instead.
└ @ ~/.julia/dev/Mocking/test/expr.jl:486
┌ Warning: Deprecated syntax `(;)` at /Users/omus/.julia/dev/Mocking/test/expr.jl:488.
│ Use `begin end` instead.
└ @ ~/.julia/dev/Mocking/test/expr.jl:488

These are testing the anonymous function syntax that parses a block. I could change this test to use Expr(:block) but I'd like to determine what this syntax is being used for in the future before making that change.