
Patch ignored on v0.7.4

Closed this issue · 11 comments

A patch that was working just fine on v0.7.3 recently started being ignored on v0.7.4.

# mock report patch so that we don't repeatedly initiate the analysis environment
report_patch = @patch function generate_report(checkpoint_dir, save_dir)
    return push!(empty!(report_path), checkpoint_dir, save_dir)

mktempdir() do dir
    cd(dir) do
        apply(report_patch) do  # the patch fails to activate here
                conclude_backrun(pwd(), dates, results, actions; checkpoint_dir)

Now fails with:

conclude_backrun: Error During Test at /builds/invenia/Backruns.jl/test/deprecated.jl:38
  Test threw exception
  Expression: $(Expr(:escape, :(conclude_backrun(pwd(), dates, results, actions; checkpoint_dir))))
  ArgumentError: analysis.jl not found in /tmp/jl_HV0qZ8
    [1] generate_report(script_dir::String, output_dir::FilePathsBase.PosixPath; script_name::String)
      @ Backruns /builds/invenia/Backruns.jl/src/reporting.jl:195
    [2] generate_report
      @ /builds/invenia/Backruns.jl/src/reporting.jl:193 [inlined]
    [3] macro expansion
      @ ~/.julia/packages/Mocking/gg4Vm/src/mock.jl:26 [inlined]

Strangely switching the order of nesting seems to fix the problem:

mktempdir() do dir
    cd(dir) do
            apply(report_patch) do  # the patch succeeds here
                conclude_backrun(pwd(), dates, results, actions; checkpoint_dir)

My attempts to create a simpler MWE by combining apply and @test_deprecate have failed so I'm not sure what the cause might be.

omus commented

@morris25 are you relying on patching the behaviour of an @async task which was spawned outside the context of the apply block? If so that would be the problem

omus commented

x-ref: #89

omus commented

I've managed to reproduce the problem with using julia --depwarn=yes and:

using Mocking, Test


f() = "original"
Base.@deprecate generate_report() f()

report_patch = @patch generate_report() = "mocked"

apply(report_patch) do  # the patch fails to activate here
        (@mock generate_report())

Thanks @omus! Sorry for the late reply, I had to run off for the long weekend.

are you relying on patching the behaviour of an @async task which was spawned outside the context of the apply block? If so that would be the problem

There is no async code involved in the test. It appears that my problem creating the MWE was simply forgetting to set the depwarn flag.

The Mocking.jl version has now been pinned in numerous internal packages to avoid this issue in v0.7.4 -- is there anyone working on a fix?

omus commented

The Mocking.jl version has now been pinned in numerous internal packages to avoid this issue in v0.7.4 -- is there anyone working on a fix?

I'll be looking into the source of this MWE today or tomorrow.

omus commented

Problem is specific to using ContextVariablesX.jl: tkf/ContextVariablesX.jl#16

omus commented

As there appears to be no path forward to fixing ContextVariablesX.jl I'll opt to instead revert the changes in #91 and yank the 0.7.4 release

omus commented

Better MWE:

using Mocking, Test


generate_report() = "original"
report_patch = @patch generate_report() = "mocked"

apply(report_patch) do
    @test (@test_logs @mock generate_report()) == "mocked"  # returns "original"
omus commented

Yanking 0.7.4 here: JuliaRegistries/General#46759

omus commented

Note that ScopedValues.jl package (not the implemention in Base with Julia 1.11) has the same issue as ContextVariablesX.jl did.