
Documentation cheatsheet for the ESLint JavaScript linter

MIT LicenseMIT

ESLint Cheatsheet

ESLint is undeniably great, but can be a bit of a pain in the &#!% to trawl through when deciding on a style guideline for your next project. In particular, one has to visit each page individually to view example snippets, and there is no succint way of seeing which rules are enabled by default without viewing the eslint.json config file outright.

This repo aims to be a down-and-dirty ESLint cheatsheet, up-to-date as of 2015-08-19. Click on the following links to view a compiled list of all default rules, or extensive documentation for each ESLint rule section.

Default rules

All Enabled Rules

All rules

Possible Errors

Best Practices

Strict Mode



Stylistic Issues

ECMAScript 6

If you notice any issues (typos, missing documentation, etc), please give me a shout!