
[Feature Request] TCP Stream Reassembly

Opened this issue · 2 comments


Firstly, thank you for the excellent library, it is clean and easy to use.

One thing I have been looking for is an equivalent of wiresharks 'tcp_dissect_pdus' (see section 9.4.2) that handles TCP packet reassembly.

This may be out of scope of this library, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask!


Thanks for the praise. I am happy that the library is used by other people and not just me :) .

I would love to have something like this, but currently I don't have enough time to implement it. Maybe in a few months I will have another look at what I implement next.

andir commented

Just a second opinion on this: I also would totally love this feature. No pressure thought.

In my case I am listening to one side of a TCP conversation trying to extract the payload bytes. After some initial hacking I have something that seems to work reasonably well but occasionally gets some hick ups. If I manage to write some tests and get it more reliable I'll try to open a PR.