
dribbblish dynamic theme has stopped working after v2.9.2 update

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Describe the bug

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. after the v2.9.2 update my dribbblish dynamic theme has stopped working, all the extensions still work but the theme does not.
    as you can see in the screenshot below, I have it set to a purple colour but it doesn't work. I've run the spicetify restore backup but it just didn't work and my Spotify went all black, so I reinstall Spotify then did the restore backup and now it's like this.



[paste logs here]

Info for Contributors

OS: Windows v10.0.19044
Spotify: v1.1.80.699
Spicetify: v2.9.2
Dribbblish: v4.1.2-827c9f3


  • dribbblish-dynamic
  • webnowplaying.js
  • popupLyrics.js
  • shuffle+.js
  • trashbin.js
  • bookmark.js
  • loopyLoop.js
  • dribbblish-dynamic.js
  • extension.js


    "EXPORTED_WITH": "4.1.2",
    "showLoadingScreen": true,
    "openSettingsInfo": true,
    "showSearchBox": true,
    "rightBigCover": true,
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    "sidebarHoverAnimation": true,
    "sidebarGapLeft": 5,
    "sidebarGapRight": 32,
    "winTopBar": "none",
    "playbarShadow": true,
    "playbarTransition": true,
    "playerControlsStyle": "dribbblish",
    "showAlbumInfoInPlaybar": true,
    "showGenreInfoInPlaybar": false,
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    "fadeDuration": 0.5,
    "customCss": "",
    "colorSelectionAlgorithm": "static",
    "colorOverride": "#673eb1",
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    "lightModeLuminance": 0.6,
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    "darkModeOnTime": "20:00",
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