
Update v4.2.0/v4.2.1 cannot be installed

vvirtues opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug

cmd recognizes incorrect command, causing update to terminate
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Have previous update
  2. Try to update using powershell script
  3. Get this



Desktop Setup
OS: Windows v10.0.22000 (Windows 11 but shows as 10 for some reason idk)
Spotify: v1.1.84.716
Spicetify: v2.9.8
Dribbblish: v4.1.4-239033a

Not needed


What happens if you manually call spicetify config color_scheme base?

What happens if you manually call spicetify config color_scheme base?

What should I set it as?

EDIT: Same thing for v4.2.1 as well

nvm by installing lsd using scoop seems to work, idek what it is lmao