
about input data in SSL process

GuobinZhangTJU opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, Jun, perfect and selfless work, and admire you.
I hope that the paper will be published as soon as possible!
Can I ask you two questions?
Q1: in “4.2 Semi-supervised organ segmentation benchmark”, before this step, all four organs’ GTs have been labeled. I want to know, in this SSL step, the input GT is only one organ, or all four labeled organs during training?
Q2: also in section 4.2 about SSL, you employed model is nnUNet, so the input batch size is still 2?
Thanks, waiting for your reply, and wish you many scientific achievements.

Hi @GuobinZhangTJU ,

Thanks for your kind words.

Q1. The input is four organs.

Q2. Yes, the batch size is 2.

Hi @GuobinZhangTJU ,

Thanks for your kind words.

Q1. The input is four organs.

Q2. Yes, the batch size is 2.

Got it ~~ Thnaks a lot ~~~Hope the paper will be published as soon as possible again~~