
View hyperlink for Console logs not working in nita-webapp UI

NarenderVaishnav opened this issue · 2 comments

View link for Console log output is not redirecting to console log output .
The View link is going to port 8080 instead of 8443. (http://webapp:8080/job/test_bt-sample/2/console)

Screenshot 2021-04-12 at 1 51 02 PM

As of commit 706a21dae6265548a105d1542fc94473fa6e66bd the following feature is added:

Set Jekins URL

By default the Webapp assumes a local installation. If this is not the case and you have Nita running on a remote machine you can configure the Webapp to properly riderect the user to the Jenkins UI.

You only need to set the environment variable HOST_URL with the address of the remote machine and the variable JENKINS_PORT with the port that Jenkins is listening on.


export JENKINS_PORT=8443

Changed variable name. See bellow! As of commit: c286fd24e25bee141af1e409b28b204556c5a3a0

Set Jekins URL

By default the Webapp assumes a local installation. If this is not the case and you have Nita running on a remote machine you can configure the Webapp to properly riderect the user to the Jenkins UI.

You only need to set the environment variable JENKINS_URL with the address of the remote machine and the variable JENKINS_PORT with the port that Jenkins is listening on.


export JENKINS_PORT=8443