
Something about the image feature

BruceW91 opened this issue · 7 comments

Something about the image feature

Hello, Doc Liang. I try to run your DAN code. But when I run the ‘extract.py’ program, I encounter some unsolved problem. Can you release a link to download the extracted resnet-152 image features directly? Thank you very much.

Please provide detail descriptions of your problems. Python traceback, etc.

The error is like this

Looks like your model file is corrupted. run "sha256sum ImageNet-ResNet152.npz" to see whether it matches http://models.tensorpack.com/ResNet/ImageNet-ResNet152.npz.sha256

I have checked the content you suggested to check, and find they are totally matched.

It works fine on my machines:

python 2.7.6


Ok, I will try. Could you also provide the version number of CUDA ang CUDNN? Thanks.