
deviating from original lesson plan after a few lessons

hawk-is-afk opened this issue · 2 comments

After doing some basic tests, while still very informative and educational, I find that it doesn't stick with its original lesson plan. For example, I had a 10 part lesson plan created in the beginning. It stuck with the first 3 as outlined, but on lesson 4 it started on similar-but-different topics than originally outlined in the plan and said the lesson plan was complete after lesson 6.

It has done with 3 times now in my tests - all tests have started with a fresh chat, going through config, and only using a /plan prompt, followed by /continue commands until it says its done.

Maybe there is a way to remind the tutor of the original lesson plan within its self-reminder somehow?

Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 10 33 49 AM

Sometimes I feel like Mr. Ranedeer is hitting GPT-4's limits.

My initial idea to solve this is to add a Next Lesson: <lesson name> at the end of the lesson format, but I will think about it.

Moved to #48