
Begin to look into the UI

Opened this issue · 2 comments

  1. Review the prototype
  2. Check out the letter of complaint feature - it's a very similar UI with a modal that has "states"
  • View is at public/modules/actions/partials/modals/complaint-letter.client.view.html
  • Controller is at public/modules/actions/controllers/complaint-letter.client.controller.js

To view this on your local copy:

  1. Create an account
  2. Go to the Take Action section
  3. Complete two actions: "Contact Super" and "Email Landlord"
  4. Do the "Send a letter of complaint" action - this is the UI we are basing the SMS referral UI off of. Notice how each "state" in the modal window transitions from left-to-right - this is how we can account for error/success states before the user closes the modal.

Hi @mrudof - can you please submit a PR of your code or update this ticket with some questions you have at this current stage?

@romeboards its been a while since I looked at it. I will have an update for you by tomorrow or Saturday. Sorry for the delay!