
Write PowerShell Feedback Providers using PowerShell!

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

PowerShell Script Based Feedback Providers

This module allows you to write feedback providers in PowerShell rather than C# and register them.

By default, feedback providers are registered for errors only. To register for another type, use the -Trigger parameter.

Also errors and potential issues are silently suppressed by default. Use the -ShowDebugInfo parameter of Register-ScriptFeedbackProvider to get useful information for troubleshooting feedback providers.


A [FeedbackContext] is provided as an argument and you must return a single [FeedbackItem] object.

You can access the feedback context either via $args[0] or as param($context)

You can return a [FeedbackItem] result multiple ways:

  1. Return a FeedbackItem object. This is the safest method. [FeedbackItem]::new('header',@('action1','action2'))
  2. Return a single string, that will fill in for the header.
  3. Return multiple strings, the first will be the header and the others will be the defined actions
  4. Return a hashtable with the same properties as the FeedbackItem class.


Echo the last command

Register-ScriptFeedbackProvider -Name EchoCommand -Trigger All -ScriptBlock {
  [FeedbackItem]::new("Command was", $context.CommandLine)

Alt text

Report on a recommended action

Register-ScriptFeedbackProvider -Name 'Error Recommended Action' {
  if ($context.LastError.ErrorDetails.RecommendedAction) {
      'The last error has a recommended action:',

Alt text

Using simplified string syntax

Register-ScriptFeedbackProvider -Name 'Error Recommended Action' {
  if ($context.LastError.ErrorDetails.RecommendedAction) {
    'The last error has a recommended action:'

Alt text

Authoring Intellisense

To get intellisense for $context, add the namespace at the top of your file.

using namespace System.Management.Automation.Subsystem.Feedback

But do not include the namespace in your final command