
Possible issue with #requires in secretmanagement.keepass.extension.psm1

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm unable to register a vault using the module secretmanagement.keepass.extension, it claims that the PoshKeepass module is not loaded.
If I explicitly import the module with verbose output, I can see that PoshKeepass is indeed imported but is apparently not accepted by the #requires statement in the psm1-file. If I comment out the #requires line and add 'Import-Module -Name "$pscriptroot..\poshkeepass\poshkeepass.psd1" -Force', everything works as expected. Tested in WindowsPowershell 5.1 and Powershell 7 on Windows

@salbeck thanks I'll take a look. I use an internal version of PoshKeePass because I had to modify it to make it work with Secret Management, I may just throw it out and go straight to the native DLLs directly :)

Fixed in d211331 and pushed as