
Messages implicitly converted to string

Opened this issue · 4 comments

platy commented

I have just spent a lot of time debugging an issue of an array containing a single buffer being sent to ZMQ - in my test cases it worked but with production data there were extra bytes appearing all over the place.

The OutBuffer silently converts things which are not buffers into strings - link
The String conversion for arrays converts each element to string and concatenates them, the String conversion for Buffer treats the buffer as containing a UTF-8 encoded string.
So for most cases you don't notice a problem like this - ~60% of bytes are valid and survive.

I don't think doing this conversion is worth the trouble it can cause - I think we should throw a TypeError - I will send a PR.

platy commented

Sent PR #543

Hi @platy, I'm not sure I understand the problem. Are you saying sending a [new Buffer('foo')] did not work as expected? We traverse arrays if given, and the elements are then cast to string. The same is true for single arguments that are not arrays. I think you are describing this already, so we probably agree... but what's the actual problem?

platy commented

No it's about the trying to handle anything given and not failing.

The problem that I hit was an array of array of buffer - it is fine the Buffer contains a utf8 string (or something which is a valid string) as the elements in the array are converted to strings and appended, the effect is just to remove the extra array.

> [[new Buffer('foo')]].map(String)
[ 'foo' ] 
> [[Buffer.of(0, 1, 2)]].map(String)
[ '\u0000\u0001\u0002' ]
> [[Buffer.of(0, 1, 2)]].map(String).map(Buffer)
[ <Buffer 00 01 02> ]

In my system this was the case for all of the tests and in production hit problems.

> [[Buffer.of(129, 130)]].map(String).map(Buffer)
[ <Buffer ef bf bd ef bf bd> ]

If we only accept strings and buffers, and don't make silent conversions, these problems are much easier to detect in tests.

Fair enough, I don't mind it being more strict about it. Strings and buffers (and arrays of them) only then 👍