
A step-by-step setup guide?

Pyroglyph opened this issue · 4 comments

Not all of us are familiar with deploying apps and PeerJS and such. A step-by-step guide would be very much appreciated by many people :)

Hi, do you mean you want to deploy a PeerJS server yourself?

Yes, unless there is another way to do it?

You can follow the instructions here to set up your own PeerJS server.

Or you can just make your browser to allow insecure requests from HTTPS sites like YouTube. The workaround is mentioned in the readme file.

@599316527 has already set up a PeerJS server on his personal site. Maybe you can use that in your extension options right now. But there's no guarantee that this service will be always available.

I thinks we can make a list of these private servers for users who cannot build their own server.

Server Key Provider
https://peer.adeline.cc:8520/ OECd4rcvUqk487Yt6X @599316527 (Kyle He)