
Release unreleased changes?

vaclavsvejcar opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello @JustusAdam,

first of all, big thanks for the efforts you put into this extension, I use it daily and I'm really happy with it. Given the fact that there seems to be quite a lot of unreleased changes in CHANGELOG.md, do you plan to release it any soon? I'm quite curious about the support for quasiquotation highlighting. Will it be actually possible to define highlighting rules for libraries such as string-interpolate that for example following block of code:

missingConfig desc yaml cli = [iii|
    Missing configuration for '#{desc}' (#{options}). See official documentation
    for more details: #{webDocConfigCurr}

would have the inside of [iii|...|] highlighted as string, the #{ and } with some different style and the text inside #{..} as Haskell code, or that's beyond the possibilities of VSCode highlighting?

sheaf commented

That quasi-quotation would be given the meta.embedded.block.iii scope (on top of the usual meta.quasi-quotation.haskell scope), which should allow custom highlighting rules for the quasi-quote content.

I apologize for my tardiness, the past few months have been quite busy. I'll see if I can make a release on the weekend.

Btw, @sheaf if you can figure out a way that I can give you release permissions on the marketplace I'd be happy to do so.

Also I appreciate the compliment @vaclavsvejcar and I am happy to hear that you're enjoying this extension. But credit where credit is due, the latest fixes and additions are almost exclusively the work of @sheaf. I am very fortunate to have stumbled upon a second, very active maintainer.

I pushed a release a few minutes ago, let me know if anything breaks