
\otimes+TAB in PyJulia

Closed this issue · 4 comments


I am using PyJulia to call Julia code from Python 3, and I have found an issue when trying to type the tensor product. Namely, \otimes+TAB doesn't work, neither it does copy pasting from Julia (both things tried on terminal on an Ubuntu machine). Is there any solution for this?

I found this in the PyJulia documentation suggesting that it might not be possible, but a workaround would be highly appreciated.


Hi Diego,
I think that for vectorspaces, you can replace \otimes+TAB with * and everything should just work. It's definitely a good remark that a non-unicode alternative should also be available for the sectors, which I don't think exists just yet...

Hi Lukas,

Thanks a lot for the quick response!

Unfortunately, I need it to tensor irreps of SU from here, and * doesn't seem to work.

In that case, you might circumvent the issue with directproduct see definition here.
In any case, I'll look into fixing this, so let me keep this issue open for now as a reminder?

Cool, thanks Lukas!!

Sure, keeping the issue open sounds good to me.