
error when using `svd` with truncation

Closed this issue · 4 comments

It seems that SVD with truncation is broken due to changes in the iterator interface in Julia.
Specifically in _truncate! there are calls to start, next and done which do not exist anymore (Julia v1.2). As far as I understand all of these were replaced by iterate.

Here is a MWE

S = U₁Space(n=>1 for n in 1:10)
M = TensorMap(rand,Float64, S, S)
svd(M; trunc=truncerr(1e-10))

I might try to fix this myself at some point in case you don't get to it before I have time for that (but at the moment I have to go do other work).

Jutho commented

Ok, clearly another gap in my set of tests. I'll fix it right away

Jutho commented

Fixed on master and added test to prevent failures in the future; awaiting CI but it is looking good. Will tag a new version thereafter.

Thanks for the quick fix!

Can confirm that this is working now, so I will go ahead and close this issue.