
show throws sectormismatch

maartenvd opened this issue · 2 comments

The following tensor
t = TensorMap(rand,ComplexF64,U₁Space(0=>12, 1=>0, -1=>12, -2=>12),(U₁Space(0=>1)' ⊗ U₁Space(0=>12, 1=>12, -1=>12)));

can be created, but when trying to see it's contents I get a sectormismatch.

totally unrelated, but norm(t) works while norm(t') fails because norm() is defined on general abstract tensormaps, while it assumes the layout of a normal tensormap. I think it should be something like (linalg.jl:133)

LinearAlgebra.norm(t::AdjointTensorMap{<:EuclideanSpace}, p::Real) = norm(t.parent,p);
LinearAlgebra.norm(t::TensorMap{<:EuclideanSpace}, p::Real) = ...

Jutho commented

That's caused by the sector with degeneracy zero; I'll look into it.

Jutho commented

Both should be fixed now.