
Site with CRUD function to evolve my abilities

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Stock store

Project about a stock store, you can add, delete, see and edit products, all of this based in your account that you can create with any email. Don't need to be a real email, you can use a fake one just to sing in and enjoy the aplication.


  • JavaScript ES6
  • ReactJS
  • SASS
  • Bootstrap
  • Vite
  • Npm
  • Git

Services Used

  • Github
  • Netlify
  • Firebase Auth
  • Firebase database


The features of the application are:

  • Save products
  • Delete products
  • See products
  • Update products
  • Manage products
  • Organize your items

How to use

1 - When you acess the hosting link you will see the form to sign in, if you never used this site before you need to click at "Registrar-se" (sign Up)


1.1 - If is your first time using this aplication, after clicking "Registrar-se" (sign Up) you will be redirected to this page


1.2 - To sign up you can use a fake email, don't need to be a real one, you just need to remember what email is and the password that you use, because if you forget the password you can't recover you password because it's a fake email and you won't recive the recover password email, (requirements to password and email are very basic because it's not my focus at development)

1.3 - After register your email and password you will be redirected to sign In page again, then you sign in with email and password that you register before

2 - After sign In you will see the home page


2.1 - on top you will see header with four options, "excluir conta" (delete account), "início" (home, page you see at beginning), "itens" (items) and "sair" (log out)


- In mobile is just touch the hamburger menu on right top


2.1.1 - Clicking at "excluir conta" (delete account), you will see a confirm that ask you if you really wanna do that, in case you confirm, your email and you saved items will be deleted from database


2.2 - Under "Dashboard" you will see few data about your saved items


- In mobile it will be a carousel


2.2.1 - The content of the four boxes are respectively: "Diversidade de itens" (Diversity of items, how many types of items you have), "Inventário total" (Total inventory, total quantity of items in stock among all products), "Itens recentes" (Recent items, items that were added recently) and "Itens acabando" (Items running out, products that their quantity is less or equal to 10)

2.3 - On bottom you will see a similar menu but there you can see the name and click/touch to see the product all data


3 - Clicking/touching on "itens" (items) you will be redirect to this page


3.1 - Under "Itens em estoque" you will see the navigation menu


3.1.1 - "Todos os itens" you will see all your stocked items
- Empty


- With items


- With items at mobile


3.1.2 - "Novos itens" There you can add new item to your stock


4 - Touch any of buttons with "Ver" (see)...

- Buttons

image image

4 - ... You will be redirected to this page, there you has all product data


4.1 - "Atualizado em" is update when you touch/click the button "Atualizar" (Update)

image image

4.2 - In red you have a button to delete the product "Exluir" (delete), there is no confirmation, so if you touch/click will be deleted instantly

image image

5 - Tap/click any of the update buttons, you will be redirected to this page which contains the data about the current product you are trying to update


5.1 - Tap "cancelar" (cancel), cancel the update and return to previous page that you were on


5.2 - Tap "Salvar" (save), cancel the update and return to previous page that you were on


6 - Tap/click log out you will be redirected to sing in page




  • João Vitor Gonçalves da Costa

Please follow github and linkedin (link in my profile )! Thanks to visiting me and good coding!