
x64dbg plugin to bypass Themida 3.1.x+ Anti-Debug, VM Detection & Monitoring Software

Primary LanguageC

Themidie2 - The predecessor to Themidie

x64dbg plugin to bypass Themida 3.1.x+ Detection Methods (VM, Debug, Monitoring, Modification & Reversing)

Based off of Themidie

  • As of now Themidie does not work on the latest versions of Themida which is why this was created



  • Bypasses Themida 3.1.x+ Detection Methods (VM, Debug, Monitoring, Modification & Reversing)
  • Bypasses garbage Anti-Cheat
  • Makes you crash alot

Functions Hooked

Module Function
kernel32.dll Process32NextW
user32.dll FindWindowA
user32.dll FindWindowW
ntdll.dll NtSetInformationThread
ntdll.dll NtQueryVirtualMemory
ntdll.dll NtOpenFile
shell32.dll SHGetFileInfoA
shell32.dll SHGetFileInfoW
shell32.dll ExtractIconW
shell32.dll ExtractIconExW
kernelbase.dll RegOpenKeyExW
kernelbase.dll RegOpenKeyExA
kernelbase.dll RegQueryValueExA
kernelbase.dll RegQueryValueExW
kernelbase.dll GetModuleHandleA
kernelbase.dll LoadLibraryExW
kernelbase.dll FindFirstFileExW