Compile error - ../../../src/UI/QpGenerator.C:24:10: error: ‘class Accpm::Timer’ has no member named ‘start’

davidabek1 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello Kostia,
I've attached the log and std error of running install.sh, following your guidance.
the dependency requested packages are,
On linux debian stretch amd64 packages:
BLAS - libblas-dev 3.7.0-2
LAPACK - liblapack-dev 3.7.0-2
Lapackpp - the install.sh is downloading and installing lapackpp-2.5.4.tar.gz
so started without when didn't work, tried starting by installing version 2.5.1 (folowing https://github.com/coin-or/OBOE/wiki/UbuntuOboe) .
aclocal - included in autoconf
autoconf - 2.69-10
Any idea and direction to continue installing this for VILMA?
Thank you,

Hi @davidabek1 ,

I managed to build OBOE from this repo by doing sh instal.sh. It downloads necessary version of lapackpp and builds OBOE. It producces dist/include, dist/lapackpp and dist/libs. These folders you have to include in your project to use OBOE.

Please, check that your BLAS and LAPACK variables are correct,
for me values from the script where OK.

export BLAS=/usr/lib/libblas.so
export LAPACK=/usr/lib/liblapack.so

I did build it under ubuntu 16.04 and g++-5. Everything was OK.

To continue with Vilma, I changed OBOE variable in build.sh from VILMA repo to OBOE=/home/k0stia/code/OBOE/dist (the folder where you should have your OBOE files).
I also changed compilers,

And I commented matlab lib in VILMA, since I dont have MATLAB installed on my syste now. Apart from MATLAB dependencies VILMA was built successfully.

I hope this helps. Please, dont hesitate to ask more questions if needed.
