
This platform offers automated industry analysis reports by integrating patent data retrieval, AI-driven insights, and interactive visualizations.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Patent Insight Platform

This platform offers automated industry analysis reports by integrating patent data retrieval, AI-driven insights, and interactive visualizations.


The Django Patent Insight Analysis Platform offers the following key features:

  1. Patent Search: Users can search for patents using keywords, making it easier to find patents in specific fields or topics.

  2. Data Visualization: The platform provides a variety of data visualization options, including annual patent distribution and geographic distribution of innovators, helping users to understand the data intuitively.

  3. Domain Analysis: Analyze patent trends and innovators in specific fields, including geographical distribution and time evolution of patent numbers.

  4. Report Generation: Users can generate and download PDF reports containing detailed analysis results for offline review and sharing.

  5. AI-Enhanced Insights: Integrating GPT-4 for advanced data interpretation and utilizing Jieba for Chinese text segmentation and keyword extraction, the platform delivers enhanced insights into patent trends and key topics through AI-driven analysis and natural language processing.

  6. WebSocket Communication: Ensuring smooth and live data transfer using WebSocket for a responsive user experience during interactive sessions.

Technology Stack

This project is built using the following technologies and frameworks:

  • Backend: Django (Python) - for creating robust server-side applications and APIs.
  • Database: MySQL - for storing patent data and user information.
  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript - for building interactive user interfaces.
  • Data Visualization: ECharts, wordCloud, and NetworkX - provides rich options for data visualization.
  • AI and NLP:
    • GPT-4-Vision - for generating AI-enhanced insights and data interpretation.
    • Jieba - for Chinese text segmentation and keyword extraction.