Tech Used

  1. React
  2. JavaScript
  3. Node
  4. Express (with middlewares)
  5. ZOD
  6. JWT (json web token)
  7. Mongo DB
  8. Mongoose



1. Informational responses (100 – 199)

2. Successful responses (200 – 299)

  1. 200 - OK
  2. 201 - Created
  3. 202 - Accepted
  4. 204 - No Content

3. Redirection messages (300 – 399)

4. Client error responses (400 – 499)

  1. 400 - Bad Request
  2. 401 - Unauthorized
  3. 403 - Forbidden
  4. 404 - Not Found
  5. 406 - Not Acceptable
  6. 408 - Request Timeout
  7. 409 - Conflict
  8. 410 - Gone (sent when the requested content has been permanently deleted from server, with no forwarding address. Clients are expected to remove their caches and links to the resource.)
  9. 429 - Too many requests

5. Server error responses (500 – 599)

  1. 500 - Internal Server Error
  2. 502 - Bad Gateway
  3. 503 - Service Unavailable