Error in SPRQL question id: 57, 166, 279
AlexGash opened this issue · 0 comments
AlexGash commented
File: qald_9_plus_train_wikidata.json
ID: 57
Question: Which rivers flow into a German lake?
SPARQL: SELECT DISTINCT ?uri WHERE { ?uri wdt:P31 wd:Q4022 . ?lake wdt:P31 wd:Q23397 ; wdt:P17 wd:183 . ?uri wdt:P200 ?lake . }
Error: wd:183 must be wd:Q183
File: qald_9_plus_train_wikidata.json
ID: 279
Question: Which city has the most inhabitants?
SPARQL: PREFIX wdt: PREFIX wd: SELECT DISTINCT ?uri WHERE { ?uri wdt:P31/wdt:279* wd:Q515 ; wdt:P1082 ?population . } ORDER BY DESC(?population) LIMIT 1
Warning: wdt:279 must be wdt:P279